Our Vision

To provide high quality land and resource information from landscape level inventories to operational plans and project implementation, that address the social, economic and environmental values of society, ensuring that future generations have a healthy environment to live in and sustainable resource development to live by.

Our Missions

  • To provide high value land base services and information through comprehensive resource inventories, forest land use planning and operational services that enables socially responsible, economically viable and environmentally sustainable land and resource management.
  • To provide cost effective services that reflect fair value and meet or exceed our clients’ expectations

Our core values and principles

  • Trust
  • Integrity
  • Respect
  • Fairness
  • Profitability
  • Competence
  • Economic Viability
  • Social Responsibility
  • Environmental Sustainability
  • Personal and Professional Excellence

Our Goal:

On Time. On Target. On Budget.

Our Management Team

Silvatech has a strong contingency of forest management, inventory and mapping specialists to provide integrated solutions in resource management. Our team of forest professionals provide a wealth of experience in combined skill sets that offer full services to other forest managers.

From forest inventories, planning, reconnaissance, timber development, engineering, cruising and Cutting Permit submissions to waste and residue assessments, wildfire risk mitigation, residual biomass utilization and silviculture support, we provide complete forest management solutions.

Terry Smith, RPF

President and General Manager

Garret Stone, RFT

Development Supervisor

Brad Grant, CSOM Dipl.

Resource Inventories & Mapping Lead

Charlie Gerstmar, RFT

Waste and Residue Lead

Kevin Smith, FIT

Biomass Utilization Lead

Marty Woods CPA/CA, MBA

Chief Financial Officer

More about us…

Scroll down for more details on our history, our process and safety.

Our History

Silvatech Consulting Ltd was established in 1983 to provide forest land management services in British Columbia, Canada. Since then, Silvatech has evolved into a nationally recognized land base information group providing complimentary services in forest management, forest and land base inventories, forest waste and residue assessments, and biomass utililzation.

The Silvatech Group is composed of our parent company, Silvatech Consulting Ltd. and a diverse group of associates. The Silvatech Head Office is in Salmon Arm BC, Canada, with service support personnel in Prince George, Williams Lake, 100 Mile, Kamloops, Kelowna and Grand Forks BC.

Our Process

Silvatech believes it is our job to help you do your job better.

As such we work with you to strengthen your abilities and provide you with the best land base and resource information available to make confident land and resource management decisions.

We strive to keep you involved in the project team so at the end of the process, the finished product is truly your product.

We want you to have a workable solution with meaningful information that you understand and helps you meet your business objectives and social and environmental responsibilities.


Our safety record is excellent and we strive to maintain this record.

Silvatech is SAFE and COR certified.

We have a full-time safety administrator who heads our safety committee and chairs monthly safety committee meetings. We hold quarterly general safety meetings with all staff and regular tail-gate safety meetings on-site.

Our management and staff are responsible for their own safety and the safety of each other.

Our management team tracks our staff daily through multiple communications methods to ensure their safety and well-being.

Silvatech Group has an extensive safety manual that is required reading at employee orientation.

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