We engage in research and development projects to advance the use of technology in the management of resources and land use.
We have the resources, expertise, and technology to get the job done right.
Our multi-discipline team of experts uses state-of-the-art technology and a diversity of operational experience to provide detailed and complete resource management services, by way of forest planning & resource development, resource inventories & mapping, forest waste and residue assessments and climate change mitigation.
Our work drives policy and social & economic development with the environment in mind.
In order to manage the environment and its resources effectively, reliable and current information is essential. As such, we have developed expertise with state-of-the-art photogrammetry, remote sensing, GIS, modelling technology and field work to convert new and existing data into powerful decision making tools (inventories, maps, operation plans, models, management frameworks).
This time and accuracy critical intelligence is used to drive policy and provide a basis for social and economic development, balanced with environmental sustainability.
We contribute to technology development.
Silvatech Consulting Ltd. engages in research and development projects to advance the use of technology in the management of resources and land use.
At times we work together with and contribute in-kind funds towards technology development with other organizations, government agencies and institutions, to benefit society and the industries that support society.
Forest Waste and Residue Assessments

In order to meet the provincial mandate to increase utilization of forest resources, the Province of BC has dramatically changed its approach to quantifying the amount of usable residual biomass left behind forest harvesting operations. Silvatech has been involved from the early pilot studies implemented in the development of the current waste and residue assessment process.
Silvatech has developed along with this waste and residue development process the maximum use of current technology in order to efficiently measure and quantify usable forest waste. Silvatech has its own in-house training and mentoring program to develop a team of surveyors current on the evolving provincial system. We currently have field staff located in multiple locations across the interior of BC in order to reduce travel costs and increase daily efficiencies.
Our planning team provides full turn-key Forest Waste and Residue Assessments including:
- Randomizing, Survey Planning and Mapping
- Pre-survey submissions to Gov’t
- Field survey plot location and data collection
- GIS data collection and final mapping
- Final submissions to Gov’t
Forest Resource Planning & Development

Forest resource management in the 21st Century requires a broad suite of skills, experience and technology to meet the demands of society and the challenges and opportunities for industry.
For 39 years Silvatech has been building a solid knowledge base of expertise, investing in people who are cross-trained in a number of earth science fields to deliver dependable forestry, environmental and mapping solutions. From inventories to planning, reconnaissance to field engineering, harvesting to reforestation and habitat studies to site restoration, Silvatech has been an integral part of the team for a broad spectrum of clients.
We work with you to strengthen your team and achieve your objectives. Let us help you by providing experience, a make-it-happen attitude and advanced technology that will give you a competitive edge.
- Aerial Reconnaissance (Imagery, LiDAR)
- Forest Inventories
- Field Reconnaissance
- Forest Development Planning
- Engineering of Roads and Cut-blocks
- Timber Cruising
- Waste and Residue Planning, Assessments, Mapping, Submissions
- Wildfire Fuel Management and Community Protection Plans
- Biomass Utilization
- Logging Supervision/Timber Disposition
- Indigenous, Historical & Archaeological Support Services
- Environmental Assessments
- Ecosystem Classification
- Silviculture and Forest Health Surveys
- Mapping
Resource Inventories & Mapping

Land use and resource planners require timely, sufficiently detailed and complete land base information in order to develop meaningful and reliable plans. Silvatech has been providing resource inventories for over 20 years. Our air photo interpeters are certified in BC, AB and Ont. to conduct VRI, AVI, GVI, PLVI and FRI forest inventories. We can help you assess your land base information needs and possibilities, acquire appropriate imagery and data, and convert that data into the type of inventory you require to meet your land and resource management needs of today.
We offer inventories in base features, urban and industrial infrastructure, topography, hydrography and wetlands, vegetation, habitats, ecosystems and Aboriginal traditional knowledge datasets; all of which are georeferenced to each other through a detailed elevation model. These data sets are then mined, classified and mapped at an appropriate resolution to produce resource information (graphics and attributes) suitable for operational, tactical and strategic level resource and land use planning. With Silvatech compiling your information, you will receive natural resource and land-base intelligence designed for integrated land management and sustainable resource management, analysis and planning.
Silvatech has been applying GIS, digital mapping and remote sensing analysis technology since 1986. Since then, we have been researching and developing a multitude of applications for geomatics technology in land and resource management, including semi-automated forest inventories. Our mapping department, together with our imaging partners, offers a wide variety of digital imagery and LiDAR data sets and derived map products. We host several industry-standard digital mapping and remote sensing platforms, as well as proprietary in-house software. Silvatech operates in a full digital environment and has pioneered many applications of object based remote sensing technology since 2002, and LiDAR processing and analysis since 2004. We consult closely with our subject matter experts to ensure that our mapping and data solutions reflect the best knowledge base available and make sense on the ground and other real-world applications.
GIS Analysis & Databases
- GIS data compilation and analysis
- Database analysis, development, maintenance
- Data mining and value adding
- Perspective Views
- Visual Landscape Design
- Thematic maps
Digital Mapping & Remote Sensing
- Imagery and LiDAR Data Acquisition
- Data Quality Assurance
- Image Processing and Analysis
- LiDAR Data Processing and Analysis
- Image/LiDAR Interpretation and modelling
- Change Detection
- Synthesis of GIS Files and Map Production
Inventory and Map Products
- Planimetric and Topographic Base
- Vegetation/Land Cover Classification (VRI, AVI, GVI, FRI)
- Forest Operations Planning (Roads, Cutblocks, Deflection Lines)
- Slope Thematic Maps
- Transportation/Access Systems
- Utility Corridors
- Traditional Use Areas
- Urban & Industrial Development
- Hydrography (Lakes, Rivers, Streams)
- Flood Hazard Modelling
- Wetlands and Riparian Areas
- Habitat Classification
- Forest Inventory Enhancements
- Vegetation Health Surveys
- Ecosystem Classification
Climate Change Mitigation

As extreme climatic events are becoming increasingly more prevalent, and the social, economic and environmental costs are becoming more prohibitive, the need for mitigative solutions to climate change is becoming more urgent. Silvatech believes the forest industry is well positioned to offer solutions to green house gas reduction needs thru carbon sequestration processes. The utilization of residual biomass from forest harvesting operations, land clearing and forest products manufacturing offers significant opportunities to sequester carbon. Silvatech has been testing and researching multiple processes of harvesting and processing residual biomass for several years. We are continuing to develop such processes thru our biomass utilization affiliate Silvachar Environmental Inc. (